Writing is scary and not easy for me. It might as well have been the monster in my closet when I was a kid. Apparently, I was the only one the monster liked well enough to reveal itself to. I know I can write despite my learning disability in spelling and reading because I have successfully graduated with a Master’s Degree in International Business.
This blog thing is different than writing for school… It’s personal and more than one person will see it. Which makes me feel vulnerable for attack, just the way the monster in the closet made me feel. My “fight” kicks in along with my perception of, “I’m going to take a beating if I do this.” Why would I intentionally put myself out there for beating? It makes no sense!
I knoooow the answer is to do it anyway. To suck it up and just do it or don’t do it. For the love of God, take a stand, woman; make a decision.
There is a big difference between the kid me and the grown-up me. The kid didn’t have the amazing tribe that I have now, and I know they have my back. With a whole tribe behind me, I got this! So here is me doing it anyway… I’m blogging with the support of my tribe.
Wooo Hoooo! That’s me celebrating doing it. Big exhale! That’s me resetting, being stronger, and using this experience for the next scary thing and the next blog.
What scary thing is holding you back in life? Let’s talk, 480-937-0876, contact@keatscoaching.com.
What scary things have you overcome? Wooo Hoooo! Way to go.